Congratulations! You've stumbled upon the VideoHound Awards Watch Blog! (Your trophy will be arriving in the mail in the next 3 to 7 years. All awards acceptance speeches will be made by Pauly Shore who lovingly accepts the award in your behalf.)
Our purpose on this blog is to try to keep track of all the multitude of film awards being presented throughout the year (we'll be really busy in January-March, not so much in August); rant, moan, and complain about who won what; and make our own predictions and proselytizations about what we felt was award-worthy in this year of film.
To get us started, here are the winners of this year's National Board of Review Awards.
NATIONAL BOARD OF REVIEW AWARDS BEST FILM: No Country For Old MenBEST DIRECTOR: Tim Burton, Sweeney ToddBEST ACTOR: George Clooney, Michael ClaytonBEST ACTRESS: Julie Christie, Away From HerBEST SUPPORTING ACTOR: Casey Affleck, The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert FordBEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS: Amy Ryan, Gone Baby GonBEST FOREIGN FILM: The Diving Bell and The ButterflyBEST DOCUMENTARY: Body Of WarBEST ANIMATED FEATURE: RatatouilleBEST ENSEMBLE CAST: No Country For Old MenBREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE BY AN ACTOR: Emile Hirsch, Into The WildBREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE BY AN ACTRESS: Ellen Page, JunoBEST DIRECTORIAL DEBUT: Ben Affleck, Gone Baby GoneBEST ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY (tie): Diablo Cody, Juno and Nancy Oliver, Lars and the Real GirlBEST ADAPTED SCREENPLAY: Joel Coen and Ethan Coen, No Country For Old MenCAREER ACHIEVEMENT: Michael DouglasWILLIAM K. EVERSON FILM HISTORY AWARD: Robert OsborneCAREER ACHIEVEMENT IN CINEMATOGRAPHY: Roger DeakinsTHE BVLGARI AWARD FOR NBR FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION: The Great Debaters and PersepolisBookmark/Search this post with:

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