неделя, 27 февруари 2011 г.

Awards Tour: Razzie Awards Winners Announced

2010 was a year when those obnoxious "surcharges" for 3-D glasses boosted movie studios' bottom lines, while actual attendance dropped once again. It was a year when most of what Hollywood released was either a remake, a "reboot" a "re-imagining"... or an outright rip-off. In other words, it was a banner year for only one of Tinsel Town's best-known award shows... the one that dis-honors Worst Achievements in Film. Voting members of The Golden Raspberry Award Foundation have sifted through the cinematic rubble of last year and selected winners for The 31st Annual RAZZIE? Awards, announcing the "honorees" in a ceremony at Hollywood's Barnsdall Gallery Theatre at 7:30pm/PST on Saturday, February 26 - the now traditional Night Before the Oscars. See below for the full list!

For all of RT?s awards season coverage, check out Awards Tour here. (1 - 20 of 55 Discussions)

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