When Men in Black III re-starts production next month, Alice Eve will play the younger version of Men in Black Agency head Emma Thompson in the time travel storyline. The British actress plays Olivia, hired as secretary for the Agency in 1969. While it appears she was given the job because of her looks, Olivia is actually whip smart. Sure enough, in the contemporary storyline, Thompson runs the place. Will Smith's Agent J character is forced to travel back in time to team up with the young Agent K (Josh Brolin) to save the world. Eve just completed production on The Decoy Bride and starred with John Cusack in The Raven. She's repped by Untitled, UTA and Artists Right Group. MIB III has extended a pre-planned holiday hiatus. With a skeleton staff in place, the filmmakers are taking extra time to hone the script. Director Barry Sonnenfeld has already assembled the footage shot so far, and insiders said that the film is still on track for its May 25, 2012 release by Sony Pictures.
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