Posted by Rodneyon 21. 02. 2011in News Chat

News has come out that Leonardo DiCaprio’s adaptation of the literary classic The Great Gatsby has revealed that it will be filmed in South Wales Australia, but more perplexing is that it is confirmed to be filming in 3D.
Huffington Post reports: As previously announced, Leonardo DiCaprio will take on the role of Jay Gatsby, the mysterious millionaire, while Carey Mulligan will take on Daisy Buchanan and Tobey Maguire will play Nick Carraway, the book’s narrator and protagonist.The Sunday Telegraph of Australia broke the news on Sunday that the director’s new film version of the F. Scott Fitzgerald novel had chosen New South Wales, Australia as his filming location, signing a deal with the government on Friday.
Now as much as I am looking forward to an adaptation of The Great Gatsby, and the cast looks pretty solid… I have but one concern.
Why is this in 3D?
Of course the answer to that is money. Its always money. But while I am often a proponent for the 3D effect, I am not a zealot and can see flaws where they lie. A period piece set in 1915 hardly has any staggering visual elements that scream to be seen in 3D.
This is pure abuse of the effect and why some people are calling it a gimmick. In this case it looks like it is a gimmick. Unless they are setting this in a Blade Runner type setting, I honestly see no reason for it to be 3D.
3D is a great effect when used right (like any effect) but I don’t see a reason for that here.
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