We've shown you 'Honey Badger' Randall chatting about the Oscars and Oscar the Grouch making his oh-so-necessary predictions, but what's an Academy Awards ceremony without the insights of Mike Tyson?
The folks over at Funny or Die pitted movie man Leonard Maltin against the ear-biting former boxer to talk this year's Oscar fest. Maltin doesn't lose an ear, but he does have to contend with an interviewee who wants Halle Berry to win for her work in 'Avatar' and blows off 'Winter's Bone' with a firm "forget that." He does, however, bring up a pressing question for 'The Fighter' about whether it's just Marky Mark by himself, or if he'll have the Funky Bunch with him.
Bask in the wondrous knowledge of Tyson after the jump, including a peek at his idea of Oscar-caliber, 'Dancing With Wolves'-type material: 'The Pigeon Whisperer.'
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