BERLIN -- Well Go USA has picked up the North American rights to Jackie Chan's latest film, the historical epic 1911.
And in what may be a first for an Asian movie, Well Go aims to give the movie a day-and-date release in the U.S. and China. The company is primarily known for its home entertainment releases of mostly Asian fare, but has been slowly moving into the theatrical sphere, most recently opening Ip Man 2 in January.
By having the day-and-date release, the company hopes to better tap into the Asian community market and capitalize on Chan's still-strong appeal.
Billed as Chan's 100th movie, 1911 tells of the founding of the Republic of China when nationalist forces led by Sun Yat-sen overthrew the Qing Dynasty.
Winston Chao plays Sun while Chan is a high-ranking officer in his army.
"We are honored to be a part of 1911 on many levels, not only because of its historical significance but also because it's Jackie's 100th film," Well Go president Doris Pfardrescher said. "Jackie Chan is an icon and it's just thrilling for us to be able to bring this film to his North American fans on the same day and date as Asia's theatrical release."
Chan co-directed the movie with Zhang Li and the movie is seen as Chan's latest effort to move into more dramatic spheres as he matures.
Jackie and JJ Prods. and the Shanghai Film Group produced the movie.
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