Posted by Rodneyon 21. 02. 2011in News Chat

We have talked about Propworx before here on TMB. They run these great Costume and Prop Auction Events with authentic items from the sets of your favourite movies and TV shows.
In the past they have had feature events where you could get your hands on these goodies such as Caprica, Star Trek and Iron Man Auctions. They even furnished us with some Stargate Props when we attended FanExpo last summer. I have a few of their catalogs which are collector pieces themselves!
Always a classy organization and now they are making it even easier to get your mitts on some sweet memorabilia. They have just set up an Ebay Auction with 261 Items up for grabs, all very cool stuff. Check it out: Battlestar Galactica Just a sample of the amazing items:261 listed lots from such popular properties as:
Iron Man
Starship Troopers
Star Wars
Incredible Hulk
Fantastic Four
Lost in Space: The Robbinsons
Defying Gravity
• Stargate Atlantis Gate Room Stargate Segment
• Alien Queen Leg from “Aliens”
• Starship Troopers Hero Morita Rifle
• Master Replicas Star Wars Y-Wing
• Stargate SG-1 Jaffa Warrior Costume
• X-men 2 Jean Grey Maquette
• Iron Man Battle Damaged Mark III Torso Costume
There are some really great items on this list, and surely some conversation pieces. You can even collect the MarkIII Iron Man outfit peice by piece if you are lucky (and have significant disposable income)
So go over to the Propworx Ebay Auction and get your mits on something super cool.
I am bidding on one of the BSG communication panels. I think that would be a great addition to my office.
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