Posted by Rodneyon 22. 02. 2011in Headlines, News Chat

If word of mouth sources from “well placed” positions are to be trusted, Kevin Costner has been cast in Zach Snyder’s Superman reboot as Kal El’s earthly adopted father Jonathan Kent.
Latino Review is reporting:We can report that Kevin Costner is none other than the Daddy of Superman himself: Jonathan “Pa” Kent.
If this rumour is true, I have no problem with it. I imagine the role of Pa Kent will be short lived in this film that is said to have Clark travelling the world to decide if he wants to be Superman or not.
The role should be minor, and Costner is getting on in years, so he could present a solid father figure for the few scenes he is destined to be in.
I wonder if they will make him die like in past adaptations? The theme of “all this power and I couldn’t save him” was always a struggling point with Clark in his development into the character and key to him growing into a man.
Maybe it will be different and Pa Kent will live and serve as a voice of wisdom for the challenges his son will face.
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