Posted by Darrenon 17. 02. 2011in News Chat

Actress Sarah Jessica Parker has said she is definitely up for a third ‘Sex and the City’ film.
She told the LA Times : ‘I would go back. I think there’s one more story to tell. I know there is.”
While the good news (if you want to see it that way) is that she doesn’t feel a new ‘Sex and the City’ film would be done off at least five years down the road, she feels Michael Patrick King, who wrote the series, could write a good script.
I concur-! I have no doubt that a good or even great script could be written, be it next year or in five years. That said….
I would rather be waterboarded. Because, it may might very well look good on paper. But where was the rabid fanbase for last summer’s sequel? Wait—there *was* a sequel, right? Oh yes…if you blinked, you missed it. The first film was annoying by itself, but at least the folks behind it wrapped up loose ends and had Big marry Carrie. While it could be that a whole new set of gal pals would take the mantle (Jennifer Hudson among them), it was not meant to be.
Sex and The City is wearing out its’ welcome. It is time to move on. The characters of Sex are self-centered and spoiled. Some other actions in the series, such as talking about things we have already seen, may have worked in the show. It gets grating in film. It is a different medium, and they failed to adapt to that medium. That’s what happened with the sequel. Nobody cared, and those that did were bored out of their brains. The sequel bombed badly. I doubt another Sex and the City film will be made unless it is either DTV or waiting not five years, but ten to fifteen when some joker reboots it.
With Aldo.
More ‘Sex’. Int’ friends? No, it’s not a trick question…
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